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21 essential affiliate marketing terms you should know in 2021

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There are many affiliate marketing terms you would see while reading any document or news about this industry. In this article, we would like to show you the most essential terms which Publisher should know.

Newbie, beginner, very fresher at affiliate and sinking in a tons of documents without understanding what they were talking about? Don’t worry, because in this post, we would like to show you the most essential terms which Publisher should know. Take a look at some points of the most common terms you may come across in affiliate documents or articles. And don’t forget to save this link to open whenever you need and refer. Let’s start!  

Affiliate Industry

Publisher: The individual or team who owns channels which could drive traffic to advertiser’s website through their affiliate links.

Advertiser: The individual or business who wants to increase their sales or get more potential new customers through using affiliate marketing.

Affiliate network: The network connects Publisher and Advertisers, drive right traffic to right customers, do tracking, measuring conversions and making payment for Publisher. If you do Affiliate in Asia, Rentracks network is a good choice.

Commision: The money Publisher could receive after making a successful conversion.

Affiliate link: It is advertiser’s website URL that contains the Publisher’s information, usually ID or username. Affiliate link is created by network and used for tracking clicks, conversions when it is promoted by publisher on their channels. 

Campaign – Offer: An offer is an agreement from a brand (advertiser) to pay Publishers a commission for referring their products. In affiliate network like Rentracks, we have many offers from diversity brands which high commission and you could choose to start promoting then earning money. 

Click – First Click – Last Click: Click is the number which shows you how many times the users clicked to your affiliate link. First Click and Last Click is the model of offer/ campaign. In the first click offers, all of the commission is attributed to the first Publisher’s channel that the customer interacted with. In the last click offers, all of the commission is attributed to the last Publisher’s channel that the customer interacted with before making a purchase.

Performance metric

Impression: Impressions are the number of times your content displays to users, no matter if it was clicked or not. The metric to measure impressions is CPM mean “cost per thousand” – the cost advertisers have to pay on 1000 impressions

CTR – Click through rate: If your link reaches 100 people and there were 5 people clicked to link, your CTR was 5%.

Conversion: The point at which a recipient of a marketing message performs a desired action. Conversion could be a successful purchase order, a form filling information, depending on the goal of campaign.

CVR –  Conversion Rate: CVR = Conversion/Click

AOV – Average Order Values

Commission rate: It shows how many percent of commission you would receive in total sales amount of the order purchased through your affiliate link.

EPC – Earning Per Click: It shows how much commission on average you would receive in 1 click. 

CPC – Cost Per Click: The cost you have to spend for 1 click 

ROI ( Return On Investment): Total profit on total cost

Affiliate Models

Cost Per Action (CPA): A general model that Advertisers only pay based on customer’s action such as purchasing, filling information, registering to use services…

Cost Per Sale (CPS): A model that Advertisers only pay based on customer’s purchasing.

Cost Per Lead (CPL): A model that Advertisers only pay based on customer’s information filling or registration by forms (usually call it “lead”)

Cost per Qualified Lead (CPQL): Same as CPL but only leads meet the criterias from Advertisers are accepted.

Cost Per Order (CPO):  A model that Advertisers only pay based on customer’s order through their website.

Publisher’s channel models

Coupon site: Coupon sites is a model website which offer coupons or vouchers from offer deals for a product or service. Customers always like promotions and they tend to search for discount offers before purchasing anything. When they use coupons from your site and make orders, you would get the commissions from advertisers.

Review site: Sites that review products, give advice to customers and urge them to buy products. It is a very effective model because customers always need to consult a lot of information before making a final decision.

Comparison site: Like coupon or review, customers tend to make a comparison price between many suppliers whenever they want to buy something. So if you give them a comparison, it would be easy to make orders through your site.

Industry site: Website specializing in certain industries which you have knowledge in. When your website becomes famous in the industry or vertical, it will be trusted.

Cashback: Like coupon site, cashback site give to customers promotions or discount offers, but moreover, they would give customers money back if they buy through their site as a “gift”. It is a kind of benefit sharing.

Technical Terms

Application Programming Interface (API) : API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface. It is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other in order to make some tasks that need both 2 softwares to complete. 

Deep link & Product link: Deeplink and Product link are links created by Rentracks system, which have the publisher’s tracking information and cookies before redirecting to the advertiser’s website. When the user clicks on these links to purchase the order, it will be contributed for the publisher who has information in the link.

Cookie: Cookies are text files with small pieces of data which are used to identify a computer or a user. Cookies are used to remember the visitors to your website and make suitable action when they come again.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): SEM is a digital marketing strategy used to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO means the process of improving your site to increase its visibility for relevant searches. The better visibility your pages have in search results, the more likely you are to get attention and attract potential customers.

Facebook Ads : Facebook ads is a service provided by Facebook, targeted to users based on their location, demographic, and profile information. The overall goals are having more new customers or converting to more sales for advertisers.

Google Ads : Google Ads is an online advertising program provided by Google. Its allows you to create online ads to reach audiences that are interested in your products and services. It is pay-per-click (PPC) model of advertising.


These was the most essential affiliate marketing terms you should know. If you want us to explain anything else, please leave a comment below. To start doing affiliate marketing and make money online with Rentracks, join us here.

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